Monday, May 14, 2012

The Family of Rathe - Diablo 3 Event

The Family of Rathe is a random event that can be found in Diablo 3 in The Decaying Crypt Level 2. What you need to do at this event is to talk with the ghost of Willa Rathe who asks you to free her family from their curse. After you accept the challenge you need to fight her entire undead family all at once. You need to defeat Father Rathe, Mother Rathe and Little Jebby Rathe when they attack you. Bellow are some pictures with this awesome random event, that is a source of good loot.


I hope you will get lucky and find this the The Family of Rathe event located in the area called named The Decaying Crypt Level 2. The drop from these three rare monsters is quite good and I bet that on the higher difficulties this will be a nice place to get some rare and above items if you are lucky enough. But on the other hand, I do believe that on Inferno this event will be quite hard, because you need to fight three rare mobs at once, and the chance to get one with waller ability is very high.

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