Are you having trouble finding the Tower of Korelan's location while playing Reaper of Souls and also the location of Urzael? You can fi...
Showing posts with label Locations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Locations. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Thursday, May 17, 2012
I bet many of you explored the Forgotten Ruins an did not find Zoltun Kulle's head easily. As you can see on the map posted bellow, it i...
When you first get out of Caldeum, the city of the Act 2 of Diablo 3, you need to find and interrupt two rituals found in the area called th...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Cursed Hold area is bigger than expected and you need to search for the six Prisoners' Remains that you need to free in order to co...
The Chamber of Queen Araneae location
1:48 AM
Where is the location of the Chamber of Queen Araneae? In order to find it you must go back to Wortham town end exit through the north entra...
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Drowned Temple location in Diablo 3
8:51 AM
From the Fields of Misery you need to go to the Drowned Temple to follow the Broken Blade quest chain. If you don't know where the Drown...
After you slay the Skeleton King and rescue the Stranger, you need to go to the Fields of Misery to search for his sword. If you wonder wher...